Da Pu Diao San 大樸彫散
The Great Nature is Waning

大樸彫散 (Da Pu Diao San) was composed (on Nov. 2008) and played by Peiyou Chang. This short piece is inspired by the Daoist master Zhuang Zi, who felt that the great nature is waning because of human's "cleverness." 莊子批判人類智巧的七竅正在毀滅自然的混沌. Da Pu is the great nature. Diao San means on the wane.

At the last part of the 7th chapter (The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings) of the book [Zhuang Zi] says:
The ruler of the Southern ocean 'Cho' and the ruler of the Northern ocean 'Hu' often meet each other at the center land which is ruled by 'When-tun' (Chaos). When-tun treated them very well. Cho and Hu wanted to repay When-tun's kindness and said to each other : "Everyone has 7 orifices for them to see, to listen, to eat, and to breath, but only this one does not have any, let's try to make them for this one." Then they dug one orifice each day, 7 days later, When-tun died.

莊子希望人類重歸自然,這個自然是先於人類文明. 這個自然就是那個好心待客卻沒得到好報,被南海與北海鑿成七竅而死去的渾沌. 渾沌意味著大樸,七竅意味樸散而生的智巧... 七竅一成,大樸彫散,渾沌必死 ... 語出葛翰聰<中國琴學源流論疏>

莊子第七篇[應帝王]:南海之帝為鯈,北海之帝為忽,中央之帝為渾沌。鯈與忽時相與遇於渾沌之地,渾沌待之甚善。 鯈與忽謀報渾沌之德,曰:『人皆有七竅以視聽食息,此獨無有,嘗試鑿之。』日鑿一竅,七日而渾沌死。


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