Jade Mansion Spring Dawn

Yu Lou Chun Xiao 玉樓春曉 (Jade Mansion Spring Dawn) is also known as Chun Gui Yuan 春閨怨 (Lament of Spring Boundoir). This piece does not have lyrics and the composer is unknown. It was first shown in Mei An Qin Pu 梅庵琴譜 which was published in 1931, handed down by Wang Lu-bing (Yian-qing) 王魯賓 (別號燕卿), edited by Xu Zhuo 徐卓. Yu Lou Chun Xiao was once played in the movie, the Enchanting Shadow (倩女幽魂) in 1960, directed by Li Han-xiang 李翰祥.

This piece is in Zhi mode 徵調 (tighten the 5th string). According to the footnote in Mei An Qin Pu of this piece, it is presenting a feeling of a lady just waking up on a spring morning. Her eyes are not fully opened. Her face is flushed. Her mind is not awake and still sleepy 春眠初醒 惺忪欲醉之意.

In addition to that, I chose one regulated verse poem 七言律詩, Chun Ri (Spring Day) by Northern Song's poet Qing Guan 秦觀 (1049-1100) and one poem in lyric meter 詞, Chun Qing (Spring Feelings. Tune: The Charm of Nien-nu) by female poet Li Qing-zhao 李清照 (1084-1151, who lived in the intervening periods between Northern Song and Southern Song) to set off this qin piece.

春日 秦觀





Spring Day by Qing Guan

After one night light thunder dropped whistling and pattering rain.
The floating morning sun light shines on green tiles roof.
Affectionate peony holding the spring tears.
Powerless roses lie on the morning branches.
-- Translated by Peiyou Chang

念奴嬌 春情 李清照

蕭條庭院 有斜風細雨 重門須閉

寵柳驕花寒食近 種種惱人天氣

險韻詩成 扶頭酒醒 別是閒滋味

征鴻過盡 萬千心事難寄

樓上幾日春寒 簾垂四面 玉欄干慵倚

被冷香消新夢覺 不許愁人不起

清露晨流 新桐初引 多少游春意

日高煙斂 更看今日晴未

Tune: The Charm of Nien-nu
Spring feelings by Li Qing-zhao

Melancholy courtyard, there's a slanting wind and misty rain,
Double doors need to be closed.
Delicate willow, charming flowers, Cold Food Day approaches,
All this annoying weather.
A deviant rhyme of poem was completed, my drunken head was cleared,
Now feel a special idleness.
Geese flock away, over thousands of my thoughts hard to convey.
Upstairs, several days of spring chill, curtains drawn on all sides,
Too lazy to lean on the jade balustrade.
Blanket is cold, incense has burnt, I just awake from a dream.
Disallow a person with grief not to get off.
Clear morning dew flows, fresh paulownia sending out buds,
How much I want to travel in spring.
The sun is rising, the fog disappears, Will it be a beautiful day today?
-- Translated by Peiyou Chang

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